Meet Our Experience Doctors

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Dr. Fadil Khaleal


Completed my general surgical fellowship through the Royal Australasian College of surgeons, 2007. Most of my surgical training was at Western and central Sydney surgical network. Underwent post-fellowship Bariatric surgical training at St George and Sydney private hospitals.

Dr. Nada Rawof


Dr Nada Rawof MBChB, FRACGP, Postgraduate Diploma in Obesity and Weight Management (South Wales University, UK). one of her greatest passions to establish and provide comprehensive management of obesity and metabolic syndrome.

Dr. Hadi


Dr. Hadi has undergone 12 years of post-graduate training to become a Specialist Plastic Surgeon, and obtained her fellowship from the Royal Australian College of Surgeons in Plastic Surgery. Her Medical degree is from the UNSW, inc. research at John Hopkins University.